Friday, November 18, 2011

Like Father Like Son!

 Can you believe my baby boy is almost the big ONE?! 2011 as flown by...! It's crazy how much Wade has grown and learned in 12 short months! He is such a handsome little guy he has been cute since the day he arrived! I see his daddy in him more and more each day. He looks like him he has his attitude and he has his appetite! He jabbers and giggles like his daddy. He can click his tongue, drink from a straw, climb onto the couch. He only wants "real" food he loves pasta, greens beans, bananas just about everything. Like his daddy he loves sweets! Nick always thinks he needs a cake or pie after supper! "My mom always had dessert" he tells me. Well I grew up with a diabetic father so no sweets in our house ever! I can see I'll have to start making desserts for my boys!

 Wade also has learned to say "NO NO" and shake his head back and forth. He does his a lot in the morning when I trying to get him awake and dressed. Much like his daddy does when I try to get him up! These next few weeks will be full of family and friends. I am very excited to take Wade to see Santa and see all the lights!

 This week as been a good one for my hubs. He has been hunting for the Lawrence Co. Trophy deer since bow season started! Finally Wednesday night he got him! Wade and I were eating dinner when he flew in the door "WOOOOHOO! DADDY GOT A DEER GET THE CAMERA!!" Another one for the wall!

1 comment:

  1. I like that he tells you no no in the mornings :) super cute! And I feel sorry for the deer!
